Ever tried to install a program only to find that you get a message saying you are missing a dll? For example you might get a "mss32 dll missing" or a "missing shell dll" . Before we continue it's probably a good idea to touch on the basics of dlls and what they are.
So what is a dll? A dll file is short for dynamic link library. The DLL lets the executable file (exe) communicate with a specific device such as a printer or may contain source code to do particular functions, this lets the executable to be smaller in size and not have to write the function that has already exists.
When you find that you are missing a particular set of dll files, you can firstly find them here. Once you have located your dll file you need to know where to put it, this might require some research, for example, lets take the mss32 dll, after doing some research this dll file is found to be a part of WinAmp and the Miles system sound library it uses. Once you download the dll file you can then place it in the appropriate directory, in this case c/windows/system folder.