Remember the good old days of the Playstation? If you were wondering whether there was a day to relive those glory days, there is. Playstation emulation isn't really a new thing, there are alot of people however, that have never even heard of it. So what exactly is Playstation Emulation you ask? It is simply software the mimics the hardware and characteristics of a Playstation on your PC. Yes that means you can play playstation games on your pc.
The second question you might be asking yourself is how can I make this happen on my pc? Fortunately good friends I am here to help. First of all you will need the emulation software, I recommend epsxe which can be found here. Secondly, probably the most important step is to get a copy of the playstation BIOS, now you actually have to have a playstation to do this otherwise this is illegal. If you have a playstation you can extract the bios from there and on to your computer. For those who feel rebellious there are plenty of websites that might have these bios files posted, you'll need to do a bit of research, but remember do this at your own risk.
Once you've managed these first two steps, it's time to get the various graphical, sound and other plugins that are essential for your pc to emulate the playstation. All of his can be found here.
Once you have gotten all the plugins you need, everything else is pretty much clockwork. The epsxe has a plugins folder so make sure you extract all plugins there, and put your playstation bios in the "bios" folder. Once you fire up epsxe for the first time, it will take you through configuration of your bios and plugins. Make sure you have a gamepad too, all of the games on the playstation were made with the use of a gamepad in mind and you will need to configure your epsxe so that it can use the gamepad.
Now that you've got the rocket science part out of the way its time to pop in a playstation disc to see of it works. If you downloaded all the necessay files it should work like a charm, but like anything technical tweaking may need to be done, its all about trial and error. As far as games go, it goes without saying that you must own a copy of a playstation game in order for this to be legal, but that being said, there are probably plenty of sites that have these games as ISO files, but again download at your own risk. Other than that enjoy your playstation emulator!